This LGfL guide is an adapted version of 'Computing in the National Curriculum: A guide for primary teachers'. Modifications include additional hyperlinks, alterations to the menu structure, typesetting and cover design.
Author: Miles Berry
Consultants: Amanda Jackson, Penny Paterson and Dave Smith of Havering School Improvement Services
Text design, typesetting and Cover Design: Burville-Riley Partnership.
Photography: Ron Coello
Computing at School are grateful to the following contributors: Phil Bagge, Andrea Carr, Emma Davis, Graham Hastings, Lance G. Howarth, Simon Humphreys, Chris Mairs, Joe McCrossan, Simon Peyton-Jones. Thanks to the children and teachers of Ringwood Infants School and Ringwood Junior School, Ringwood, Abbotswood Junior School, Totton and Gordonbrock Primary School, Lewisham.
We would like to acknowledge and thank ARM Holdings and Raspberry Pi Foundation for their kind financial support without which the production of this guide would not have been possible.