Computers are now part of everyday life. For most
of us, technology is essential to our lives, at home
and at work. 'Computational thinking' is a skill
children must be taught if they are to be ready for
the workplace and able to participate effectively in
this digital world.
The new National Curriculum for Computing has
been developed to equip young people in England
with the foundational skills, knowledge and
understanding of Computing they will need for the
rest of their lives. Through the new programme
of study for Computing, they will learn how
computers and computer systems work, they will
design and build programs, develop their ideas
using technology and create a range of content.
But what does this mean for primary schools?
How should school leaders be planning for the
new curriculum and how can teachers develop the
additional skills they will need?
The programme of study is expressed in precise
but perhaps unfamiliar language. This guide has
been written especially for primary teachers, to
demystify the programme of study for primary
schools. It will enable teachers to get to grips
with the new requirements quickly and to build
on current practice. It includes help for schools
with planning and gives guidance on how best to
develop teachers' skills.
The new National Curriculum for Computing
provides schools with an exciting opportunity
to reinvigorate teaching and learning in this important area of the curriculum. We hope this
guide will help you on your way.
To find out more about Computing At School,
please visit us at
You will also find an eBook version of this guide
there, which can be freely shared with colleagues.
Simon Peyton-Jones
Chairman, Computing At School