Concluding Remarks
This is a really exciting time to be a pupil at primary school. The opportunities that advances in technology will bring to your pupils asthey grow up are hard to imagine. The curiosity, creativity and courage that you nurture in them now should endure as they move on through education and into adult life. To exploit fully the opportunities that current and future technology offers them, pupils will draw on the understanding of Computing you provide them with, as well as confidence gained through working on a range of meaningful projects throughout their primary education.
It’s a really exciting time to be a primary school teacher, too. Don’t be daunted by the changes in the move from ICT to Computing. Rather, see this as an opportunity to develop your own knowledge about Computing and to learn to program, if you’ve never had the chance before. Although this might sound like hard work, it’s actually great fun. You’ll find that you make better use of the technology you have at home and in school, and also that you start to think a bit differently, looking at systems and problems in the same way a computer scientist does.