See this presentation by David J. Malan for a precise explanation of algorithms and how they can be developed and refined. There is a useful set of 'make an algorithm' online activities here. Children can use this online flowchart maker to develop algorithms (a login is required to download but children could share by taking screenshots).
There are plenty of problem solving activities that require children to decompose the problem first. This excellent activity involves children using decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction and algorithm design to communicate monster pictures.
Disassembly of old battery powered toys offer opportunities for children to explore switches, sensors, lights and motors. Try the NASA JPL site for the Curiosity lander for how robots and computers have enabled humans to explore Mars without risking life. To explore a simulation of a real world system try this solar power simulator.

Design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals, including controlling or simulating physical systems; solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts

The focus on algorithms at Key Stage 1 leads pupils into the design stage of programming at Key Stage 2. Algorithms are the necessary start of the process of creating working code, and identifying the steps needed to solve any problem is essential.

Splitting problems into smaller parts is part of computational thinking. For example, designing a game in Scratch will involve thinking about algorithms, programming, drawing sprites and backgrounds, making animations, and even composing music or recording sound effects.

We think of computers as boxes with keyboards, mice and displays, but built-in computers (or ‘embedded control systems’) are an increasingly significant application of information technology.

Pupils can gain valuable insights into how computers are used to monitor and control real-world systems by using sensors, switches, motors and lights. Computers also make it possible to explore real-world situations that would be too difficult, too expensive or too dangerous to create in real life.

pupil using Raspberry Pi




Author: Miles Berry



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