Informal learning
There is scope for pupils to learn more about Computing for themselves outside of school, and it would be good to encourage and celebrate this in school.
Many of the resources suitable for teaching Computing in school are available free for pupils to use at home if they have a computer of their own.
Many schools have set up Code Clubs, often with external support, perhaps through someone working in the information technology industry. Code Club27 make available carefully constructed resources and plans, and help manage DBS clearance for volunteers wanting to help schools in this way.
Other face-to-face events, such as Raspberry Jams, Young Rewired State and CoderDojo, are perhaps more suitable for secondary pupils. However, they have no lower age limit, although some parental involvement would be expected.
Scratch and Kodu have vibrant online forums, with ample opportunity for primary pupils to learn from others and to share their expertise as part of a moderated, global community.